The cast of November 2013's Don't Kick The Turkeys holds nothing back as the calamity escalates in the New Hope Church office. Clockwise: Cheryl the daycare worker, Sammy, little Davy Allen, Rev. Ben Thompson, janitor Clifford Gumption, Sarah the "creative" choir director, Joy the secretary, Mae Von Vurstenvonner-Smith
(with a hyphen!), and the ever-eccentric Albert Finkel.
The cast of March 2014's Baggage Claim pauses for the camera. Beyond having a hilarious assortment of characters, this modern day parable delivered a powerful evangelistic message by the end of the production.
Pastor Brian Sylvia is the founder and director of inCharacter and our Theatre Department. His years of experience in the Christian drama and theatre world bring a sense of excellence and passion to our team- both on and off the stage.
The D'Baquel family is brought to a moment of decision when Jake asks to assist them with the "baggage" from their lives. Baggage Claim was a powerful show.
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inCharacter's Theatre Department is designed for students with a passion for dramatic arts ministry, it serves as a major discipleship tool for all of the students. iC produces 2-3 major productions annually, providing students with a range of experience from set and costume design to tech and make-up to stage performance. The productions are all geared to communicate the gospel creatively. We do not apologize for the ministry content of our pieces- it is our only purpose for existing. Our theatrical experiences have been enjoyed by thousands. What we affectionately term 'theatre season' in the iC year becomes a landmark experience and lasting memory for everyone who is a part of it. Our commitment remains clear: "Jesus, we'll never walk on a stage if it isn't for You!"

Stay tuned for news about our spring show. We'll be announcing details soon, and you do not want to miss it!

The cast of November 2014's Happy Hollandaise hams it up for the camera. This hilarious holiday comedy has been one of our favorite shows over the years- so much so that we brought it back for its second run this past fall. The fast-paced nature of this production kept the audience guessing what hilarity could possibly happen next. 
The cast of The Love Liner, April 2015's musical dinner theatre, pauses for the camera. This encouraging show set in 1976 was so much to bring to the stage, including dance numbers and songs from that era. Join many of these same actors for The Jingle Bell Mystery, running December 4-6, 2015. More details on that show will be coming soon!